Block: Stuck In The Middle With You
Screening Date: Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 2:15pm - san marco theatre - Theatre 2
The Flexed Arm Hang
Canada – Director: Findlay Brown
Rating: Family Friendly
A boy attempts to get a silver medal in the most daunting of gym class challenges, the flexed arm hang.
The Gas
Turkey – Director: Utku Çırak
Rating: Adult Content & Language
At the end of an extraordinary situation in the village, where people cannot reach the government, they try to break a curse by organizing various rituals. After a while, the government official who comes to the village will confront the villagers with another reality in an authoritarian manner.
Pink is the Color of the Ocean
Florida, USA – Director: Summer Schantz
Rating: Adult Content
Living in a trailer by the ocean, Carmen does everything to give her half-sister May a better childhood than the one she had.
No Man’s Land
Florida, USA – Director: Landon Hogue
Rating: Not suited for younger children
In the Reconstruction South, a young black man, Lawrence, decides to join the U.S. Cavalry. Having been recently emancipated, he sees his chance to provide a better life and secure land for his family. He must grapple with leaving his mother and taking his younger brother's horse that was left to him by their late father.
The Shoes
USA – Director: Andreas Rothbart
Rating: Adult Language & Content, Violence
A taped confession by a troubled teenager, tells the agonizing tale of his decision to kill his abusive stepfather.
Creature of the Night
USA – Director: Kaya Tone
Rating: Not suited for younger children
Against the backdrop of World War II, Bob Kane and Bill Finger create one of the world's most well-known heroes, “The Batman”. Bill Finger must come face-to-face with Edgar Allan Poe, his artistic inspiration, to reckon with becoming forgotten in history.
Florida, USA – Director: Andrew Bourne
Rating: Family Friendly
When Leah discovers that her teenage son Nate isn't as enamored with the RV lifestyle she's dedicated to, she tries to change his mind by taking him to a flea-bitten Johnny Appleseed statue.
Your Son
USA – Director: Ben Friedman
Rating: Depiction of Violence
After realizing there has just been a shooting at the high school her son attends, Lucy suffers a panic attack while trying to contact him.