Where to Eat?
There are several places to eat in downtown Jacksonville. Just note - there are quite a bit of one-way streets when driving.
Direction of the Library & the Jessie:
Indochine Jacksonville - Across the Street from the Jessie, using Adams Street - http://www.indochinejax.com
Burrito Gallery Downtown - Across the Street from the Jessie, using Adams Street - https://www.burritogallery.com
Super Food and Grill - https://www.superfoodandbrew.com
Spliff’s Gastropub - About a block from the Jessie - https://www.spliffsgastropub.com
Ocean Street Tacos - https://oceanstreettacos.com
Bay Street Bar & Grill - http://baystreetbarandgrill.com
Cowford Chophouse - This is a higher-end restaurant - https://cowfordchophouse.com
Other Direction:
Urban Grind Coffee Company - This is a couple of blocks down from the venues - https://www.urbangrind.coffee/?y_source=1_MzI0ODc5MTktNzE1LWxvY2F0aW9uLndlYnNpdGU%3D
The Bread & Board - A couple blocks down on W. Bay Street - https://thebreadandboard.com
Jumping’ Jax House of Food - https://www.jumpinjaxhof.com
Mag’s Cafe - http://magscafe.com
Bellwether - https://www.bellwetherjax.com
The Happy Grilled Cheese - https://thehappygrilledchees.wixsite.com/grilledcheese
San Marco Locations:
*Across the bridge
Coffee & Tea:
Starbucks - https://www.starbucks.com/menu
The Spice and Tea Exchange - You can buy loose leaf tea, spices, and sugar. There is also a tea bar to get brewed tea to go - https://www.spiceandtea.com/recipes/beverages.html
Bitty and Beau’s Coffee - https://www.bittyandbeauscoffee.com
Maple Street Biscuit Company (open until 2pm) - Founded in Jacksonville - https://www.maplestreetbiscuits.com/our-menu-2022/
Firehouse Subs - https://www.firehousesubs.com/our-food/
Fuji Sushi - https://www.fujisushisanmarco.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=website
Seafood Island Bar & Grill - https://seafoodislandgrille.com
The Loop - https://www.thelooprestaurant.com/menu
Taverna - https://taverna.restaurant
Nicer restaurants:
Town Hall - https://www.townhalljax.com
Rue Saint-Marc - https://ruesaintmarc.com
Matthew’s - https://matthewsrestaurant.com/menu#menu-header.0
Brooklyn-Riverside Area
Panera Bread - https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/home.html
Bento Asian Kitchen & Sushi - https://eatatbento.com
BurgerFi - https://www.burgerfi.com
Burrito Gallery Riverside - https://www.burritogallery.com
First Watch - Breakfast - Lunch - https://www.firstwatch.com
The Fresh Market - Grocery, but has ready-to-eat foods - https://www.thefreshmarket.com