Block: Lean On Me
Screening Date: Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 3pm - san marco theatre - Theatre 1
Generation 328
Belarus – Director: Veranika Nikanava
Rating: Not suited for young children
A group of mothers defies Europe’s last dictatorship, fighting to free their children from draconian sentences in brutal Belarusian prisons.
Some Million Miles
USA – Directors: Jared Ragland & Adam Forrester
Rating: Adult Language & Content
Chico, Alice, and Misty’s lives have been shaped by meth use. In a series of confessional vignettes - Chico struggles with reintegration into society following a jail sentence, Alice pursues recovery and fights for custody of her daughter, and Misty rebuilds a stable life after ending an abusive relationship. The film presents a meditation on loss and the search for redemption amidst systemic social and economic marginalization.
Bug Farm
Florida, USA – Director: Lydia Cornett
Rating: Adult Language
Four distinct women in Central Florida bond over working with crickets, super worms, and roaches on an insect farm in the small town of LaBelle.
Eric & the Bees
USA – Directors - Erin Brethauer & Tim Hussin
Rating: Not suited for younger children
After serving 20 years in the U.S. military, Eric retired to his family farm in West Virginia, but he was haunted by his experiences in combat. After a particularly harrowing flashback, he was diagnosed with PTSD. Beekeeping was first used as rehab for soldiers suffering "shell shock" after the First World War. When Eric Grandon discovered beekeeping, he had no idea that the bees would give him the power to transform both his own life, and the lives of many others.
Florida, USA – Director: Christopher Boulton
Rating: Family Friendly
A builder – designer couple traces the lineage of a mysterious object. Along the way, they reflect on the allure of obsolete tools, take stock of how far we've come as a society, and ask what has been lost and gained in the process.
Golden Age of Karate
USA – Director: Sindha Agha
Rating: Family Friendly
Inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame at 10 years old, Jeff Wall is a teenage karate pro. Best friends with his grandparents, Jeff wanted to pass along his passion for the dojo to a community he felt needed it most — senior citizens. In “Golden Age Karate,” Jeffery and his mother Valerie show us that there’s no age too young to help — or too old kick butt.